Oral sex was 'by mutual consent' - Messines GNR officer cleared

gnrlogoThe Messines GNR officer, accused of the coercion of a cleaner to perform oral sex while he was on duty, has been acquitted.

The Portimão court decided that the sexual acts had happened but that they were consensual.

The cleaner had accused the GNR officer of rape but the court disagreed.

According to the judgment, "the defendant has not been shown to have used violence or serious threats in order to compel the assistant" to engage in sexual acts.

The woman also had claimed damages of €92,270, these were dismissed.

According to the group of judges who sat for the case, although semen that had been collected at the GNR station by the Judicial Police had come from the defendant, which proved sexual activity, the activities that the defendant and the cleaner had engaged in were by mutual consent and had happened on other occasions.