
Portugal opens third consulate in China

chinastockmarketcrashIn early 2018, the Portuguese government will open a third consulate in China, the first new opening in 13 years.

The location is the city of Guangzhou with current consulates already operating in Beijing and Shanghai.

Guangzhou is the capital of the Guangdong province, located in the south of China, north of Hong Kong.

Guangzhou also is one of China’s largest cities and also is the most densely populated in the province that includes Shenzhen, the home of several technology companies such as Huawei.

The Portuguese ambassador to China explained that the opening of this new diplomatic post was an old ambition as the region is one of the most prosperous in China. Consul, André Sobral Cordeiro explained that the consulate’s aim is to build relationships with the local Chinese corporate sector.

"Having a consulate here allows companies to knock on our door and that the information they want is reliable," said Cordeiro.

The Portuguese government approved the opening of this consulate in August 2016 but the Chinese government took several months to approve the application.

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