
Monte Gordo beachgoers push sperm whale to safety

SpermWhaleEfforts to return a sperm whale to deeper water have been successful as around 20 early morning beachgoers helped push the huge creature to safety.

The whale was stranded for about four hours in the shallows of Monte Gordo beach on Monday morning, January 1st, 2018.

The mammal was spotted at around 09:00 and people in the area waded out to try and push the 8 metre whale to safety. By 13:20 the whale was out of the shallow water and able to swim on its own, making for the open sea.

Maritime Police personnel were on hand as was a marine biologist. Officials accompanied the sperm whale on its southerly path to ensure it did not double back and again become beached.



Photo: Elisa Nobre (Facebook)

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