New Year - fewer road accidents but drink-driving still a problem

breathalizerOperation 'New Year' saw fewer deaths and accidents than last year but the number of drunk-drivers is still unacceptable.

The GNR so far have registered fewer accidents, deaths and serious injuries over the four day operation, which ends tonight, according to Lieutenant Colonel Jorge Amado. In the four days of Operation New Year, 639 road accidents were registered, 303 fewer than last time.

"Three fatalities were recorded, four fewer than in 2016, seven were seriously injured, 11 fewer than in 2016 and there were 256 minor injuries, 21 fewer than last year," said the bold Lieutenant.

As for early on New Year’s Day as revelers made their way to and from parties, Lieutenant Amado said that the GNR registered 106 accidents with two serious injuries and 51 minor ones.

"22,662 drivers were monitored by midnight, of which 219 were over the alcohol limit, 34 did not have current documentation, and 33 were done for other reasons," said the spokesman.

Of the 5,612 people stopped over the operational period and found to have transgressed, 700 drivers were over the limit, 1,813 were done for speeding, 162 were not wearing a seat belt, 153 were using their mobile phones, and 244 were driving vehicles that did not have a current MOT.

According to the GNR, the seasonal increase in road patrols aims to "prevent road accidents, ensure traffic flow and support all road users in order to provide them with safe travel."