
Earthquake near Monchique measured 3.3 on the Richter scale

earthquakeChartFollowing the earthquake in Arraiolos last Monday, Monchique today registered an earthquake of 3.3 on the Richter scale.

The tremors hit at 11:42 on Saturday, January 20th, with the epicenter estimated to have been 10 kilometres northeast of the town and many locals feeling the results.

The weather service is keen to pin down the precise epicenter and will issue a further bulletin with an update.

The Arraiolas earthquake measured 4.9 on the Richter scale, ‘very strong,’ and was felt in numerous locations in the Spanish region of Extremadura, including Mérida, Badajoz and Cáceres.

Schools in Elvas were evacuated in a drill that the area’s school authorities had prepared for.

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