
Portugal is "the best example in Europe" says World Tourism Organization chief during Lisbon visit

UNWTOThe newly appointed Secretary-General of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), considers that "Portugal is a very interesting case" and the "best example in Europe" as far as tourism is concerned, and has picked Portugal for his first official visit.

Citing Portugal as an example for innovation, ecotourism projects and the quality of service, Zurab Pololikashvili, visited the School of Hospitality and Tourism in Lisbon and noted also the improvement in the country’s infrastructure.

"I've been to Portugal several times. My first visit was ten years ago, I have visited Lisbon several times and with each new visit the infrastructure is improving. There are new places, new projects, new stores, new restaurants, new hotels, which shows that tourism is growing," added.

Zurab Pololikashvili, a Georgian, former trade minister and former ambassador to Spain, said that its tourism companies that have led to the strong growth in the sector - and the Government, which says it has "a very good, interesting and attractive plan for the country," and is convinced that 2018 once again will be a year of growth.

"I think there have been good results in the last year and I am sure that this year these will follow the same path. The Government and the sector are working well, they know how to grow the tourism numbers and I am sure that the sector again will achieve new records next year," said the UNWTO Secretary-General.

On the part of World Tourism Organization, Portugal can expect cooperation, not least as "it is one of the most important and active members" of the executive council of the organisation.

During his Lisbon visit, Pololikashvili was accompanied by the Secretary of State for Tourism, Ana Mendes Godinho and the President of Tourism of Portugal, Luís Araújo who outlined the national strategy for training, online promotion and promotional campaigns, including "Put Portugal on the Map" and "Can't Skip Portugal."

Pololikashvili also attended presentations from five Portuguese tourism startups - Optishower, Hi Jiffy, Strayboots, Doinn and Storyo.

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