
Fisherman injured in Ria Formosa police chase dies in hospital

riaFormosaNighttimeOn January 12th, a Maritime Police patrol boat collided with a second boat in the pre-dawn darkness of the Ria Formosa severely injured one of the two people on board, Aldemiro da Conceição Nabiça and his 40-year-old son. (HERE)

The 65-year-old Alvor man was rushed to Faro Hospital where, after two weeks in a coma, he has died.

The police were chasing a boat suspected of being involved in illegal fishing when their high-speed vessel hit Sr Nabiça’s boat in the lagoon near Faro.

The boat carrying the suspects that the police were pursuing disappeared into the darkness, leaving the police to sort out the accident.

An inquiry anyway was being held establish how the collision happened, but has just gone from highly embarrassing to extremely serious, with the death of the resident ensuring the Public Ministry now will be assessing culpability.

As for the illegal fishermen who escaped from the scene, they have not been traced.


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