
A week of biting cold weather ahead

snowoopnorthThe folly of getting used to the current mild weather and expecting it to last until Spring, is about to be exposed as a blast of cold air is due to sweep across Portugal from Thursday lunchtime, sending daytime temperatures into low single figures across most of the country, except in the Algarve.
At least it will be dry but the biting wind will push temperatures way down.
Portugal’s weather service, the IPMA, says a there is a "vast anticyclonic area" that will create a mass of very cold air.
This unwelcomed chill will sweep in, with "an intensification of the wind, especially on the west coast and in the uplands," so that from late Thursday morning, there will be, "strong wind on the west coast and in the highlands with gusts up to 80 kilometres per hour."
"In addition, there will be a decrease in the maximum temperatures in the whole territory of between three and six degrees Celsius, and the low temperatures associated with the strong wind will increase the chill factor, especially between Thursday afternoon and Friday morning."
The IPMA adds that the wind will continue to be strong and gusty on the west coast and in the higher ground on Sunday, but that the wind will drop on Saturday, bringing some respite in the middle of a week of cold and windy weather.
As for rain, to add to the misery, there may be some in the north, with snow expected in mountain areas.
The Algarve will, as usual, escape the worst privations of her northern neighbours, with night-time lows of 7 degrees Celsius rising to daytime highs of 14 degrees Celsius. This may not sound much, but it is warmer than everywhere else.
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