
Rogil Church selected by Bishop for Lent donations

crucifix1The Bishop of the Algarve has noted the construction of a new church in Rogil, Aljezur in his Lent message and asks the faithful to contribute.
"This community has long been committed to possessing its own space that responds to its most basic needs, in terms of catechesis and the deepening of faith, celebration of worship, personal welcome and the promotion of charity," writes D. Manuel Quintas.
The Bishop also exhorted "all parishes, particularly those with better economic conditions, to share fraternity with this community as an expression of ecclesial communion."
The construction of the Rogil church, supported by Aljezur council, began nearly six years ago, in May 2012.
As a temporary church solution, the Rogil community used the local parish council hall for 20 years, moving on to an old supermarket in 2011.
The new church in Rogil will be the first in the Algarve dedicated to Saint Vincent, martyr and patron of the Algarve diocese.
The church is on 1,360m2 of land, donated by Aljezur council in 2009. The church includes a parish centre, a chapel of rest and a parish residence.
The Bishop has asked his flock to donate to the church for their Lent renunciation - standard practice in the Catholic Church during the period leading up to Easter.
The faithful are invited to deprive themselves of goods and to donate the money saved to a purpose specified by their Bishop.
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