
Communist transport proposals for the Algarve include many broken promises

cruiseshipThe Portuguese Communist Party has presented parliament with six draft resolutions to improve mobility and transport in the Algarve region, all of which are "fundamental for the development of the Algarve" and whose implementation "can not continue to be postponed."
"These PCP proposals, contained in the six draft resolutions, respond to the aspirations of people and business, and contribute to improving mobility in the region and boosting the regional economy," says the PCP.
The proposal calls for the abolition of tolls on the Via do Infante motorway and a start to, and rapid completion of, the road works on the EN125 eastern section; the improvement of rail transport; the creation of the Ports Administration of the Algarve to integrate the commercial, fishing and recreational ports; the preservation and improvement of the commercial port in Faro; the expansion of the commercial port in Portimão; and help for the smaller rent-a-car and transfer companies at Faro airport.
The party recommends that the Government carries out the necessary steps to reverse the public-private partnerships for the Via do Infante and EN125, ending a "ruinous business for the State." It also recommends that the Government "immediately abolish tolls" on the Via do Infante, returning this important road to the people and the region. The party can be forgiven for not offering a cost estimate for any compensation payment as the concession contract is secret.
Railway transport
The communists recommend that the government concludes the electrification of the Algarve Line on the Lagos-Tunes and Faro-Vila Real de Santo António sections, within the timeframe originally envisaged; to look at a direct rail link to Spain and to purchase electric rolling stock for the Algarve Line which can be serviced in the Vila Real de Santo António workshops which will need more staff. The party also wants the existing railway stations and carriages upgraded and foir train services to link up with onward transport facilities. 
The communists recommend the creation of the Ports Administration of the Algarve, to end the fragmentation imposed by the former PSD-CDS Government, which, by handing over the management of the Algarve’s ports to Docapesca and the Port of Sines Administration, starved the region of investment.
Port of Faro
The PCP recommends that the government enhances facilities at the commercial port of Faro and recognises it as a essential for the recovery and promotion of regional economic activities.
Lastly, the party recommends that the government studies the use of the commercial port of Faro by the maritime tourism segment, in particular for cruise liners.
Port of Portimão
The draft resolution recommends that work rapidly is carried out to improve the accessibility and infrastructure, including them the extension of the commercial dock and the improvement of the reception area for passengers at the cruise terminal, thus giving "effective and consistent conditions for increasing the capacity of receiving, in number and size, cruise ships."
It also recommends that the government takes the necessary steps to reinstate a regular passenger and freight service between Portimão and Madeira, to establish a regular route to the Açores and to purchase a new tug for the port to support large vessels.
Rent-a-car and tranfers companies
The Communists recommend that the government intervenes to protect these companies from airport operator, ANA's, abusive practices with regard to fees charged. The party makes no mentioon of protecting customers who are ripped-off by the many sharp practices of car rental companies, most notably, Goldcar. 
The document recommends also that the government reverses the privatisation of ANA, Aeroportos de Portugal, but offers no cost estimate.
Among the traditional Communist Party calls for renationalisation, lie some good sense and long overdue actions, many of which have been promised by the current government which has failed to deliver, despite the region’s transport infrastructure being decades behind the Algarve’s ambition and ability to become a top tourism destination.
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