Westminster subway death mystery man was Angolan paedophile

 4801“He was a Portuguese national who had been in our emergency centre for some time and was being helped to find a job,” said a spokesperson from the Connection charity in central London.
Referring to Marcos Amaral Gourgel, who died in Westminster tube station last Wednesday, the charity referred to his “complex situation.”
The death of Gourgel, in freezing temperatures, prompted outrage from politicians, including the Labour leader, who left flowers in the spot where the Portuguese national died.
The ‘former model’ also was a paedophile who had served time in a British jail for sexually abusing a child, according to UK media with the Guardian reporting that Portuguese officials confirmed Gourgel, a Portuguese national “of Angolan origin, had been deported from the UK twice before, in 2014 and 2016.”
Correio da Manhã has printed, “After being deported, he was institutionalised in Lisbon but returned illegally to London, from where he again was deported in 2016. Again he returned to England, illegally and lived the past year on the street with mental health, alcohol and self-medication problems.”
The Portuguese newspaper report stated that the Portuguese consulate in London has not been able to contact his family as his mother is dead and his father, an Angolan national, is uncontactable.