
Pedrógão Grande council workers suspected in €30,000 theft

FireOctThree workers from the municipality of Pedrógão Grande, an area devastated by last year’s fires, were suspended today as part of an investigation into the diversion of at least €30,000 of council funds.
Two of the council workers subsequently were arrested and are being investigated for possible embezzlement following searches at the Pedrógão Grande council offices.

"It is confirmed that a search was carried out in the context of an investigation conducted in the Public Ministry of the Department of Investigation and Criminal Action of Leiria into possible embezzlement. The investigation has two defendants,” reported the Attorney General's Office’s today.

The mayor, Valdemar Alves, confirmed that three workers from Pedrógão Grande council had been suspended as part of an investigation into the loss of at least €30,000 from the municipality.

The suspended members of staff work in the accounts department of the council. The mayor confirmed that Police officers had been to the council building today.

A complaint to the Public Prosecutor's Office had been presented by the council’s auditor and by the council president.

"We still do not know for sure the amount, but it will be €20.000 to 30,000," said the mayor

Valdemar Alves, a former inspector of the Judicial Police, said that the results of an ongoing audit should make it possible to know more accurately the amount and other details regarding the money missing from council funds.

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