
Tavira expats living in fear of further attacks

OilBombVineyA well-respected British couple has been subjected to two unwarranted attacks on their Quinta de Perogil villa and now are living in fear that further oil bombs will be hurled at their pristine Tavira property.
Twice this month, the front of the Viney's property, within hurling distance of the road, has been vandalised by oil bombs, ruining the paintwork and the Santa Catarina tiled terrace.
Cilve Viney said the only reason he can think of for these nasty attacks is a case of mistaken identity.
The police were called on both occasions but with no known motive for the attacks, there is little they can do unless the oil bomber is caught in the act.
Clive Viney said the photographs of the second attack (see below) on Tuesday 20th March do not really capture the full extent of the mess and damage.
“We have been trying to clear it up ever since. The first attack, which involved two ‘oil bombs’ occurred late afternoon of Friday, 2nd March, while we were out.”
“We have absolutely no idea why this happened and are worried stiff that it will happen again. We have no idea or indication of the motive. We do not owe anybody money or have any known enemies.
“We are simply an English couple in our mid-seventies trying to enjoy a quiet retirement in Tavira. We both speak a little Portuguese and try hard to integrate into the local community. Our best guess is that it is a case of mistaken identity. We can’t think of anything else.”
Tavira police responded quickly on both occasions but claimed never before to have seen anything like these oil bomb attacks.
Clive Viney said he had no complaints about the police response and their local liaison officer has been in touch but there is little the police can do to prevent further criminal attacks.
Police reports of the first two attacks have been processed and the Viney’s will be ‘advised of the outcome,’ in six months time.
In the meantime, the Vineys have been advised that if they find a suspect, they must file a formal complaint within six months and will be expected to provide evidence to back up any accusation.
The Vineys' plans for a quiet and fulfilling life in the Algarve now is haunted by the stark revelation that a dream retirement in Portugal can have a nightmare side.
A further fear is that the oil bomb attacks may escalate.
“With regret, we are installing a better security fence and surveillance cameras. We never thought that it would come to this in Tavira,” said a regretful, yet determined Mr Viney.
If any dear reader has any information related to the attack on the Viney’s property or has suffered similar attacks, please email attack@algarvedailynews.com





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