
Earthquake registered in Galp-ENI test drilling zone

oceanAccording to information provided by the Portuguese Institute of the Sea and the Atmosphere, an earthquake measuring 3.4 on the Richter scale was registered at 11:55 am, today, Friday 6th April. 

The epicenter of the sizeable quake was located 45 km west-northwest of Cape S.Vicente, pretty much bang on the Galp-ENI drilling site where work soon is to proceed in the consortium's quest for oil and gas deposits.

Anti-oil campaigners long have warned of the delicate geology in many of the oil and gas concession areas that surround Portugal’s coastline, fearing that drilling may trigger earthquakes.

There is a link between onshore fracking, a technique also available to concession holders, and earthquakes. Whether the government will admit that a rise in earthquake activity is down to oil company drilling activity, remains to be seen as the drilling has yet to start.

Today’s earthquake was registered as being 24 kilometres below the seabed and a close watch is being kept by campaigners for a rise in earthquake activity when Galp-ENI starts its long-awaited test drilling – which it will, unless legal moves to stop its progress prove successful.

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0 #6 Ed 2018-05-23 08:20
Quoting Daniel Gonzaga:
Fortunatelly no fraking is planned, so no need to worry. lets Drill!

Fracking is only planned for the vast onshore concession areas around Fatima, see:
0 #5 Daniel Gonzaga 2018-05-23 00:25
Fortunatelly no fraking is planned, so no need to worry. lets Drill!
-1 #4 Terry P 2018-04-08 10:31
Quoting Pedro Miguel:
There are also reports that in the U.S. they use fracking to burry illegal Mexicans and that is REALLY, REALLY scary! It’s not true, but it’s scary. And if it’s scary in the U.S., it’s even scarier here.

Love it!
0 #3 Pedro Miguel 2018-04-08 10:28
There are also reports that in the U.S. they use fracking to burry illegal Mexicans and that is REALLY, REALLY scary! It’s not true, but it’s scary. And if it’s scary in the U.S., it’s even scarier here.
0 #2 Poor Portugesa 2018-04-07 18:04
Check out what's happening off Alicante... :cry:
+4 #1 TT 2018-04-06 22:47
We really need to re-double our efforts to get fracking stopped. Apart from the potential of triggering seismic activity, there are reports coming from across the pond that it is being used to dispose of radioactive waste. And that IS a scary thought. If they can do it there.....

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