
Portugal - seen as a a safe haven by terrorists

portugalAccording to Eurojust, the EU body that counters organised crime, Portugal is seen as a country where terrorist groups can rest up.

The number of Eurojust cases where Portugal has been called upon to help, rose in 2017, with the country remaining attractive to terrorist groups, "We have been involved in a number of cases, since it seems to be possible to conclude that Portugal will serve as an area of ​​retreat for some of those networks," said the Portuguese representative to Eurojust, António Cluny.

Without going into detail, António Cluny said that the authorities have been asked for information on the activity of 'some groups and some individuals' in Portugal.

Eurojust was called in during the investigation in Portugal into the Moroccan who was suspected of belonging to an international terrorist organisation and was charged by the Public Prosecutor's Office.

Another case was that of the Security Information Service officer, Frederico Carvalhão, who was sentenced to seven years and four months espionage and passive corruption.

Eurojust facilitates cooperation, coordination and exchange of multilateral judicial information in cases involving serious cross-border crime. In 2017, fraud topped the list with 700 cases, followed by money laundering (315) and investigations into cross-border organised crime groups (208).

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