Pets allowed into restaurants as from today

DogRestaurantCompanion animals are allowed into restaurants as from today, Monday June 25th,  but the association that represents the sector reckons that not many establishments will be joining in. 

The catering and restaurants association (AHRESP) said last Friday that the lack of clarity of the law and the responsibility it can generate for owners of establishments, especially in terms of hygiene and food safety, should lead many venues continuing to ban animals from being allowed in.

The wording of the law change, agreed on by the Economy Committee, unanimously was approved by the Green Party, the People-Animal-Nature (PAN) and The Left Bloc.

"This is a subject that should have been the subject of deep reflection and should have taken into account the concerns of the industry. We believe that, for these reasons, most restaurants will not join in," said AHRESP secretary-general, Ana Jacinto.

Jacinto warns that owners who decide to allow animals in, are taking full responsibility.

AHRESP has produced a sticker for its members who choose to allow companion animals inside. This has been devised with the Food and Economic Security Authority (ASAE) and carries all the relevant information.

The hotel and restaurant industry has made it clear to its members that if they wish to refuse entry of animals (except guide dogs), they should just keep the current ‘no dogs’ sticker.