
GNR starts Operation Hermes to 'support road users'

gnrstopWith a start date of June 29 and lasting until tourist numbers have dwindled in early September, the GNR is intensifying its traffic policing activities, in Operation Hermes.

Under the laudable initiative of patrolling, supervision and giving support to road users, the GNR’s stated objective is to ensure road users’ safety during the holiday months, especially at popular resorts and at summertime events. When it comes to fines, expect no mercy.

The GNR will concentrate its activities on motorways, major routes, complementary routes and EN national roads, as well as at the access routes to resorts.

Mobile patrols will enable GNR personnel to pay particular attention to risky behavior that jeopardises road safety, and lists:

Dangerous overtaking, sudden change of direction, U-turns, not stopping at a Stop sign, maintaining a safe distance from the vehicle in front

Driving under the influence of alcohol and psychotropic substances

Driving without a valid license


Incorrect or non-use of seat belts and child restraints

Using a mobile phone while tootling along, always a favourite.

Last July and August, the GNR attended 4,145 road accidents with victims and helped deal with 83 fatalities and 361 serious injuries.

As for the choice of the operational name, 'Hermes,' this refers to one of the 12 Olympian Gods. Hermes was god of trade, thieves, travellers, sports, athletes, and border crossings.

Ominously, Hermes also was the guide to the Underworld, so let's be careful out there...


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