
TAP is ready for privatisation

tap2The president of TAP, Fernando Pinto, said today that Portugal’s national airline is totally ready for the privatisation process but that he had no idea of when it might happen.

Pinto was at the The Economist conference in Cascais and said of the failure of the 2012 sale of TAP to the Synergy Group, owned by Colombian entrepreneur Germán Efromovich, that lessons have been learned and that the second attempt will undoubtedly be faster than the first.

"TAP is now in a good position to be privatised, but the precise time depends on the market, depends on the offer, depends on everything, this is all being weighed up by the government,” said Pinto.

In 2013 TAP increase by 5% the number of passengers transported over the previous year, and the operating revenues of the company increased 2.2% to €1,863 million year.

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