Boris quits - "Brexit is the biggest problem in the history of EU-UK relations" says Tusk

borisJohnsonTheresa May's acceptance of the resignation handed in by Brexit Minister, David Davis, was trumped later on Monday with the resignation of Britain's Foreign Secretary, Boris Johnson.

As expected, Brexiteers now openly are discussing a no-confidence vote that could see the end of May's reign which has been dominated by one topic, Britain's withdrawal from Europe.

The 2016 referendum result gave the government a clear mandate, however marginal the 'leave' vote, to negotiate a withdrawal but with the EC in no mood to see a major economic force simply walk away from the European Union, May's has found it impossible to find a solution and has ended up pleasing nobody.

Johnson, the outspoken former London Mayor, has long coveted the top job in British politics and after his comment, that his chances of becoming the PM "are about as good as the chances of finding Elvis on Mars,” most conclude that he wants May's job.

May’s new plans for Brexit, hammered out at an all day Cabinet meeting at Chequers last Friday, were heralded by Johnson as a big pile of excrement and he stepped back from supporting May's 'soft Brexit' withdrawal plans.

Johnson leaves the Cabinet, freeing himself to mount a direct challenge to the PM and will carry with him the hardliners who want a clean break from the European Union.

EC President Donald Tusk commented on the exit of Davis and Johnson, “Politicians come and go, but the problems they have created for their people remain,”

“The mess caused by Brexit is the biggest problem in the history of EU-UK relations, and it is still far from being resolved.”

Jeremy Corbyn, the leader of the Labour Party, tweeted that the resignation “at such a crucial time” showed that May “has no authority left and is incapable of delivering Brexit.”

“With her government in chaos, if she clings on, it's clear she's more interested in hanging on for her own sake than serving the people of our country,” Corbyn concluded.