EN125 road company quits

roadworksPortugal’s maligned national infrastructure authority now is in control of the Algarve’s EN125 - along its entire length.

The concession holder, Rotas do Algarve Litoral, announced on Friday, 6th June, that is was quitting and immediately suspended its 14 road safety managers, claiming that it has not been paid for the work it has completed on the EN125 western section.

The decision was made after the Court of Auditors rejected Infraestruturas de Portugal’s move to take over responsibility for the eastern section of the EN125 so that it could start the process of upgrading the crumbling and dangerous road.

This left Rotas do Algarve Litoral in charge of the entire length of road, a deal that it did not want to continue with.

The emergency road repairs in the eastern section are to be completed this week after a €250,000 spend has seen the worst sections of road surface cut away and re-laid.

The full upgrade of the eastern section now comes under the control and management of the national infrastructure authority which no longer will be able to hide behind ‘contractual issues’ for further delays.