Robbers arrested for 2017 Algarve crime spree

handcuffTwo Romanian men who robbed pensioners in three houses, firing at the owner in one case, have been arrested by the Portimão Judicial Police.

The robberies occurred between July and October 2017 in the Portimão and Lagoa council areas.

The first assault of which the men are accused took place on July 26, 2017, in the Lagoa area.

The pair entered an isolated house and tied up the 74-year-old owner, stealing "gold items, about €100, two shotguns and a small car," according to the PJ.

On October 13, in Vidigal, Mexilhoeira Grande, one of the men fired at the front door glass to get into the property, the second man entered the house and fired a shot at the owner, a 72-year-old man. The defendants tied up the man and his wife, who also is 72-years old, and took "around €160 as well as gold objects valued at €6,000."

The third crime was committed on 23 October when the two robbers broke through the window grilles of a villa in Portimão, entered the property and tied up the 82-year-old owner. They stole gold items with an estimated value of €10,000.

The defendants, aged 28 and 34, will be up before the judge who will decide whether or not they should stay in jail until trial.