
Property associations 'shocked' at new rules for tourist lettings

alHaving now reviewed the new Alojamento Local, short-term letting, rules issue by the government this week, owners’ associations profess to be "shocked" at the changes and their predicted impact on members.

The amendments represent an "inexplicable setback" and will have a "very negative impact" on Portuguese families who depend on income from tourists rentals.

The Association of Hospitality, Restaurant and Related Institutions of Portugal (AHRESP) and the Association of Local Accommodation in Portugal (ALEP) both say they are taken aback by the changes to the rules and that these, "will jeopardise the sustainable growth of tourism in our country and affect thousands of families and micro-enterprises."

The amendments to the current local housing rules, "is introducing changes that create more instability and will condition the development of this economic activity that today already represents about a third of the tourist overnight stays, which brings income to 33,000 families and helps create thousands of businesses and jobs."

"At a time when tourism has established itself as the engine of the economy, in which Portugal has achieved a prominent position at international level, these changes represent an inexplicable and unacceptable setback."

With the return of Turkey into the tourism market, this is the "worst time" to create restrictive practices in Portugal.

The creation of ‘containment zones’ by Councils, "allowing the Councils to suspend registrations of new AL establishments without any clear criteria or transparent rules, blatantly violates the Community Directive for services, create an environment conducive to opacity, is going in the opposite direction to new international tourism trends and against the latest recommendations from the EU on how to legislate for these new realities," according to the associations.

ALEP President, Eduardo Miranda, stresses that "it is a missed opportunity. Portugal had one of the most advanced laws and it would be enough to correct specific problems to drive this new form of tourism which could bring a huge competitive advantage to the country, but now there’s everything to lose with a law that brings only instability, promotes conflicts and undermines investor confidence. "

Miranda points out that, "Portugal was an international case study on how to legislate in an innovative way for local accommodation, from now on we will be a case study of how good legislation can be destroyed."

According to the associations, "this new legislation, by creating more obstacles and mistrust, also undermines all the effort put into legalisation in recent years.”

For property owners seeking information on Alojamento Local compliance, contact the National Association of Local Lodging Establishments at www.nalle.pt and/or ask afpop

For 'Parliament approves changes to Local Accommodation rules' click - HERE

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