
Algarve mayors launch blistering attack on pro-oil government

oilrig2The Algarve mayors’ group, AMAL, has launched another blistering attack on the government’s support of Galp-ENI, the Santola concession holder, which is set to drill its first test well off Aljezur this September.

AMAL issued a communiqué to newsrooms stating the Algarve region needs to be rid of the threat of oil drilling which will affect tourism and will damage a region that is working towards environmental sustainability.

With noted symbolism, the mayors chose to hold their monthly AMAL meeting in Aljezur where 16 Council leaders still say “No” to oil and remain in full support of locals in opposing the drilling and want, instead, to keep developing the region’s economic, social and environmental assets.

AMAL states that it has always been against the oil drilling plans that are being so firmly pushed forward by government, ‘The environmentally committed and sustained development of the Algarve is not in tune with oil and the legitimate aspirations of the Algarve can not be hostage to a project that seriously and dangerously threatens the region.’

As for the sustained efforts from those associations that have been opposing the development of the region as an oil production zone, AMAL praised their work against the exploration and extraction of oil in the Algarve.

AMAL stated, ‘We believe that the clamor of an entire region is a clear sign of the convergence of wills and goals that must be heard by policy makers, otherwise it will jeopardise the future viability of tourism, the only economic sector that guarantees the financial survival of many thousands of families and businesses.

‘AMAL reiterates its fundamental disagreement with the incomprehensible and doubtful decision of the Portuguese Environment Agency to exempt Galp-ENI from having to carry out an Environmental Impact Assessment before drilling 46 kilometres off Aljezur.

As for climate change, AMAL says that ‘We are faced daily with urgent, global warnings about the need to adapt our policies and choices to the already visible impacts of climate change. The Algarve cannot row against this tide and compromise the development of a territory that has everything in place to be a good example and generator of future solutions.

‘AMAL will always be a voice against this process and will continue to defend the interests of the Algarve.’

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