Spanish controlled media group closes down Portugal's email service

6208aThe closure of Media Capital’s email service is scheduled for November this year as the company decides to focus on its content provision and shut down peripheral services.

After 18 years, the official date for emails ending in is November 30th.

Annoyingly, the suggested option, with full details of how to apply, is G-mail which many users already have rejected.

The reason given by Media Capital for the closure of its email service is that it “can not maintain the quality levels it aspires to for the service.”This is according to an explanatory email sent to customers today.

email users wanting to send messages to contacts at an address will be unsuccessful as from the end of this November unless Media Capital offers a forwarding service.

Media Capital is owned by PRISA (95%), and by the Savings Banks of Vigo, Ourense and Pontevedra (5%).

PRISA - Promotora de Informaciones, S.A. is a Spanish media conglomerate.