
Albufeira Council helps promote local bullfighting

bullfightingAlbufeira Council continues to condone the posting of illegal posters advertising bullfighting events, according to the People, Animals and Nature party.

PAN states that, "the licence request for putting up bullfighting posters on the public highway in Albufeira was denied, but PAN in Albufeira has spotted posters for shows of this nature throughout the municipality, although no authorisation has been given for these to be posted."

Another illegality is the use of vehicles driving around with loudspeakers announcing bullfights. These are run by Toiro das Sesmarias, Lda., which only has certain days on which it is licensed to blast out the information but has been driving around pretty much daily in August.

Since the current Council administration took over, PAN has been questioning the executive about surveys carried out in 2016, 2017 and 2018 at the Albufeira Bullring that showed problems with infrastructure and health and safety, and repeatedly has asked for information regarding animal welfare and the operators’ compliance with the relevant laws.
The Council has not seen fit to reply to the bullring questions in over a year, despite the supposed seriousness of the survey report.

"If, on the one hand, we recognise a change in the Council’s official position over posters on Albufeira’s public roads, which is a good principle, on the other hand we do not understand how it is possible to, throughout the municipality, that dozens of illegal posters alluding to barbaric and violent bullfighting spectacles are posted without anything being done," said Paulo Baptista, PAN’s Political Commissioner in the Algarve.
In the same note the party said that, "the PAN will continue to pay attention to these and other issues in Albufeira, giving a voice to all those people who voted for us in the last municipal elections."

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