
Government SMS warning system needs also to cover storms and tsunamis

hurricaneAs readers may be aware, in the event of extreme weather conditions which may likely result in rural fires, the government has introduced a SMS texting system, writes David Thomas from Safe Communities Portugal.

This enables people in the affected districts to obtain an alert from ANPC with contact telephone numbers where more information can be found and enquiries directed. This was activated during the Monchique fires in August.

However this service is currently restricted just for rural fires, due to the current data protection law arrangement with the ANPC.

With the approach of tropical storm Leslie, Safe Communities posted the ANPC notification in English on our website and Facebook. In respect of Facebook it reached 155,000 people and consequently we received many enquiries from the public regarding preparations, and importantly when/where it was safe to travel. We thank those who shared it.

From this experience it would appear that there is a considerable demand by the population to be able to obtain information during other catastrophes as well, such as: heavy rain/storms resulting in damage and flooding; an earthquake or Tsunami or a radiological spill.

As some of these incidents could result in major damage to infrastructure or loss of life together with extensive disruption of public services, there is likely to be a major demand placed on government from the population for information and advice, both locally and from overseas.

Safe Communities Portugal has therefore addressed this issue to the ANPC requesting an expansion of this service and we await a reply on this issue.

David Thomas
Safe Communities Portugal

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