Eastern section EN125 pressure group called to Lisbon to explain

EN125RoadSurfaceThe eastern EN125 citizens’ movement will be explaining its position on Wednesday when representatives travel to Lisbon to a meeting of the Parliamentary Committee on Economy, Innovation and Public Works.

The hearing was triggered by a PSD complaint back in April that the EN125 eastern section, between Olhão and Vila Real de Santo António, was in a dangerously poor state of repair.

The citizens’ movement says the eastern section, "has only been the subject of urgent repair works because of the enormous pressure from this movement which organised a petition of more than 7,000 signatures, delivered them to Parliament and unmasked government untruths after a meeting at the National Audit Office."

The early summertime emergency repair work increased traffic flow but was carried out in a hurry, leaving out many sections and, now that there has been rain, the surface is being affected, the roadsides are in bad condition and signage is missing.

"We will, as always, do everything to defend the Algarve, and the tourists of the region, an economy that represents around 5% of the national GDP. We require the renovation of this section of road with the greatest urgency possible and without more of the serious errors between Vila do Bispo and Olhão, which threaten road safety and traffic flow," the statement ends.

In July of this year, roads supremo, Pedro Marquês, said the work on EN125 eastern section would be carried out bit by bit, as funding dictated.