
Former Portuguese President at funeral of former US president

cavacosilva3Aníbal Cavaco Silva, Portugal’s President from 2006 to 2016, has been invited by the current President of the Republic of Portugal to attend the today's funeral of the former President of the United States, George H. W. Bush who died on November 30th, aged 94.

Cavaco Silva has travelled to Washington at the expense of Portuguese taxpayers and ‘with the agreement of the government,’ according to the President’s website.

The 41st President of the United States served from 1989 to 1993. Eight years after leaving office, he attended the inauguration of his son, George W. Bush, who became the 43rd President, taking over from ‘Slick Willie,’ Bill Clinton.

Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa sent a message of condolence to the family of the former US President, highlighting, "the bravery of the former Navy official and the solidity of the character of the former President of the United States, whose determination in politics never meant he lost respect for those who defended different ideas."

In relation to Portugal, Rebelo de Sousa stated, "George Bush showed respect and admiration for the Portuguese people, as well as a knowledge of the History of Portugal, a country he considered to be a close ally and a friend of the United States."

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