Portimão - European City of Sport, 2019

portimaoarenaPortimão Council’s President, Isilda Gomes, has accepted the flag that distinguished the municipality as the European City of Sport 2019, from Gian Lupattelli, the president and founder of the Association of European Capitals of Sport.

The award was presented at the European Parliament, where the Councillor for Sport, Teresa Mendes, was present at a ceremony that brought together representatives of more than 30 European cities.

Isilda Gomes took the opportunity to invite all the representatives of those cities present to visit Portimão, saying the preparatory work is in its final phase, with more than 350 events scheduled from January 18th next year, when there will be an opening ceremony at Portimão Arena.

In addition to Lupattelli, the ceremony was attended by Tibor Navracsics, the European Commissioner for Sports and Nuno Santos, President of ACES Portugal.

The city of Braga was awarded the best European Sports City for 2018.