
Corruption - even the Tax Inspectors are at it

financaslogoPolice today raided the headquarters of the General Inspectorate of Finance, the Ministry of Defence and the Red Cross, looking for evidence of corruption, embezzlement and abuse of power.

The National Anti-Corruption Unit of the Judicial Police sent in over 50 inspectors, accompanied by Public Prosecutors.

In question are suspected breaches of employee secrecy, economic participation in business and corruption - including taking bribes in exchange for information.

Suspicions of the sale of confidential information by Finanças inspectors already has seen two people classified as defendants and has opened a war of accusations within the General Inspectorate of Finance, with Inspector General, Vítor Braz, the main target.

The suspicion is that moles have been in the pay of private interests.

There also are examples of managers at the Inspectorate holding positions at hospitals and other institutions, Vitor Braz is chairman of the audit board of Santa Casa da Misericórdia, for example. The suspicion is that some have not been rigorous in their application of the rules when it concerns institutions where they also happen to hold positions. This is especially moot at the Red Cross where a highly critical report on its 'management deficiencies,' quietly was consigned to the bottom drawer

The result of audits, where public money is used to support institutions, should have been negative in some cases but mysteriously came out positive in final reports.

There also is the case of an Inspectorate official, Filomena Bacelar, who was found in the Swissleaks file to be the holder of an offshore account. She is the wife of a construction chief who has had several building contracts with the State.

Today’s operation was aimed at rooting out those individuals responsible for tax inspections that have seriously damaged the State’s financial interests and who also may have benefitted personally.

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