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Lagos global warming plan includes many practical measures

hurricaneLagos Council has launched its own collection of climate change actions, having looked at the effects that climate change already is having on the municipality.

The 'Municipal Plan for Adaptation to Climate Change' has been approved in a Council meeting, and assesses the short, medium and long-term effects of climate change in order to minimise the natural, social and economic impacts.

Global warming, largely caused by human actions, makes climate change the biggest challenge and public policies are being changed to incorporate 'sustainable development,' not that many Councils seem to know what this means.

Conscious of the reality of the world’s largest challenge and also aware of the geography of the municipality of Lagos, the Council has accessed an 'Operational Programme for Sustainability and Efficiency in the Use of Resources' grant that paid for a professional report to be produced by the Centre for Regional and Urban Development Studies.

The strategy is based on 46 measures and 145 specific actions, structured according to four major strategic objectives related to the increase in air temperature; the decrease in rainfall and the increase of the frequency and severity of droughts; the rise in the sea level; and extreme wind and rain events.

The document establishes an action plan with priority interventions such as the conversion and energy certification of municipal buildings; the revision of the Municipal Forest Fire Protection Plan; a diversification of drinking water sources and awareness on how to save water; the protection of the Lagos shoreline from coastal flooding; and the creation of a system for monitoring and warning of risks form bad weather.

The ambitious plan will be reviewed and voted on by the Municipal Assembly, which meets on January 29th.

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+1 #3 Chip 2019-01-30 16:28
Well done Lagos Camara.
I wish my council in the UK were as forward thinking, especially as they charge 2.5 times the council tax for a worse service.
+1 #2 James Mayor 2019-01-29 14:26
Bravo to Lagos Council for taking this proactive initiative. Let`s hope more municipalities emulate this type of action, and also take measures to raise the level of citizens awareness about the realities of climate change in their communities.
0 #1 AL 2019-01-29 09:29
"Global warming, largely caused by human actions, makes climate change the biggest challenge..."
There is no credible evidence that human actions have caused any significant change of our climate.
If you want to apply for a grant to do a study of anything, there is more chance of the grant being approved if the study involves global warming or climate change. The Lagos plan fits with this perfectly.
I too would like some money to observe the climate change.

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