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José Mourinho pays €2 million and stays out of Spanish jail

MourinhoJosé Mourinho has joined the list of shame and now has to pay a €2 million fine in order to stay out of Spanish jail

Mourinho accepted a one-year prison sentence and a €2-million fine for defrauding the Spanish Tax Agency back in 2011 and 2012 costing the taxman €1.6 million and €1.7 million respectively.

On Tuesday, Mourinho turned up in court in Madrid to accept the sentence.

The football coach set up Koper Services SA in the British Virgin Islands to hide profits from the sale of his image rights.

Mourinho was sentenced to six months in prison for each of the crimes, and must pay a 60% fine on the amounts he should have paid to the taxman. He also has to pay the legal costs of the case.

The one-year-prison sentence has been substituted for a fine of €172,800 as first-time offenders handed jail sentences of under two years are allowed to pay their way to continued freedom.

Two weeks ago, Cristoiano Rolando accepted a 23-month jail sentence plus an €18.8-million fine for tax fraud. Last year, Lionel Messi and his father received jail sentences and fines for tax offences.

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0 #2 Peter Booker 2019-02-07 09:07
What intrigues me is the fact that Ronaldo, Messi and Mourinho have now been convicted in similar scams. Each of them saying that what they did was legal at the time, they thought. So who advised them of these tacky ways of avoiding tax, which we know now was actually tax evasion? I suppose it was professional tax accountants, always looking for loopholes in tax law. What pain are they getting?
0 #1 Saldo 2019-02-06 12:36
Can Ed please enlighten me as the article doesn't make it totally clear, in addition to the 60% fine on the evaded tax amounts, does Mourinho also have to pay the actual tax amounts of 1.6 and 1.7 million euros that he evaded with this scam or does the jail sentence that he avoided for a paltry 172,800 euros negate the tax bills. :-*

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