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Overzealous Social Security debt collection system to be investigated

despairThe Ombudsman has handled a 40% increase, between 2017 and 2018, in complaints about the collection of social security debts and has ordered urgent inspections into misuse of the process at several offices, including the one in Faro.

Between 2016 and 2018, 592 complaints were received from citizens who had been subjected to the dreaded ‘coercive collection’ system.

Most complaints were from those whose bank accounts had been frozen ‘beyond the limits of the law’ or that debts were processed for collection before their legal due date when people has contested them.

The Ombudsman’s office cited cases where people had had their accounts frozen when they had not received demands for payment.

The Ombudsman has decided to inspect various social security offices throughout the country, including the one in Faro and that results will be published during the next quarter.

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0 #2 Darcy 2019-04-09 21:48
One would hope there will be accountability of the social security staff for any improper conduct toward these very vulnerable citizens.
Some of these people are already living in dire circumstances, and the behaviour of social security staff could make bad circumstances unbearable.
+4 #1 charly 2019-04-08 08:58
Apparentely in this country nothing can be done in a correct, a civilised or an intelligent way. The most disturbing matters are of course the abolishion of the bank secrecy and this diabolic "coercive money collection". Last week I red in the newspaper that tax services asked last year for more than a million "seizures" of goods and money - luckily only 350.000 have been effectively executed. This is one of the most scaring matters expats are confronted with ONLY AFTER THEY SETTLED in the country. When we spoke about these matters with our ambassador a couple of weeks ago he was astonished to hear about all this and he confirmed that this matter is definitely NOT mentioned in the advertisements and the brochures and other prospects attracting "new _ FOREIGN - blood" for the country. And maybe this can be one of the reasons why "intellectual Portugese" leave massively the country, But.... who cares ????
disguested as they are.

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