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Montenegro death - building site had no licence

INEM125A local man, crushed on a building site in Montenegro, Faro, on Monday, died at the scene from head injuries.

Filipe Silva, 37, was working on a warehouse when part of a wall collapsed, crushing him between a vehicle and a wall.

Faro Council later stated that it has received no application for the necessary work permit.

Silva’s colleagues tried to help him, he had suffered serious head injuries and died almost immediately.

The accident happened at 11:30 am on Monday and the full range of emergency service personnel, soon were at the scene.

Representatives from the Authority for Labour Conditions have been interviewing the property developer and the landowner.



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-1 #2 AL 2019-04-10 09:44
Quoting Darcy:

Has the Health and Safety Authority of Portugal done a preliminary investigation to ensure that all of the safety standards were in place to protect the workers on this site.

Of course not! it was an unauthorised, illegal building site.
Read the second part of the head line again!
0 #1 Darcy 2019-04-09 20:39
How many heads will roll for the "work related" death of this man.
Has the Health and Safety Authority of Portugal done a preliminary investigation to ensure that all of the safety standards were in place to protect the workers on this site. Unfortunately, Health and Safety is not taken seriously and the result is the disgraceful, unnecessary loss of life.

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