
Underinvestment in the Algarve - MP Norte highlights spending failures

trainAlgarve MP, Cristóvão Norte, during a hearing with Minister Pedro Nuno Santos at Parliament’s Economic Committee, raised the issue of the next ten years of investment for the Algarve.

Regarding the lack of investment in the region, Norte said that the 2030 national investment plan is a good example.

According to the budget, the estimated investment for the region is €118 million, out of a total of €21.9 billion for the country over a period of 10 years, which corresponds to about 0.5%.

Norte urged the minister to look at this "profound injustice" after hearing that the plan is not yet finalised.

As for current projects that have stalled, Norte noted the EN-125 eastern section which still has no deadline for completion, the rail link to the airport that was scheduled in 2014 which the Government has restarted, having lost four years, because it has not done an environmental impact study nor does it have a schedule for the work to start, and the development to the Alentejo railway line, which indirectly benefits the Algarve.

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