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Portuguese researcher receives 1.5 million euros to lead “fake news” study group

fake news researcherJoana Gonçalves de Sá, professor and coordinator of a research group on “Data Science and Policy”, will receive 1.5 million euros from a EU fund to study the phenomenon of fake news and misinformation.

The grant was awarded by the European Research Council (ERC) through a start-up grant. Joana Gonçalves de Sá is a professor at the Nova School of Business & Economics in Lisbon, and with this grant she will be able to continue the project “Fake News and Real People - Using Big Data to Understand Human Behaviour”.

Through a statement, it is indicated that this project intends to use experimental and computational techniques to study the phenomenon of misinformation and to understand which factors justify the decision process in sharing false content.

The European funding is valid for the next five years, allowing the research team to use techniques from various fields of study, such as big data, computer systems and behavioural psychology to create models on the subject.

The Nova SBE professor hopes that eventually this research will shed new light on the area of ​​misinformation and understand which factors come into play and lead someone to share content that promotes misinformation.

Miguel Ferreira, Chairman of the Nova SBE Scientific Council, points out that “the awarding of the prestigious European research grant to Joana Gonçalves de Sá is a recognition of the excellent work she and her team have done in recent years and the innovative nature of the studies they have done, and will continue to develop in the coming years. This fellowship is also unique given the multidisciplinary nature of the research carried out in this project that crosses data science, economics, behaviour and public health. ” He also points out that it is the recognition of the prowess of a Portuguese university in the area of ​​big data and artificial intelligence in “solving the current challenges that are faced by companies and society in general”.

Elvira Fortunato, vice-dean for research at Universidade Nova de Lisboa, prefers to highlight the position of the higher education institution in the area of ​​research. “Today we have 20 of the 104 ERC scholarships awarded to Portugal since the beginning of the program, which represents about 19% nationwide. On the other hand, since the promotion and attraction of scientific talent is one of the strategic areas of Universidade Nova, this scholarship clearly shows that our work is valued.”

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0 #9 AL 2019-09-09 10:11
Quoting Laurinda:
Does it mean they will be studying main stream press? not to mention gov/political propaganda?

Somehow I don't think so ...
If the funds come from the EU it's obvious that the any criticism of EU or EU pro governments will be called fake news.
+1 #8 Laurinda 2019-09-07 22:35
/... it is indicated that this project intends to use experimental and computational techniques to study the phenomenon of misinformation and to understand which factors justify the decision process in sharing false content./ ...

Does it mean they will be studying main stream press? not to mention gov/political propaganda?

Somehow I don't think so ...
0 #7 AL 2019-09-06 09:36
Quoting Hamilton:
So just how many thousands of deeply embedded black ops Portuguese are busy de-stablising the UK organising or participating in anti-Brexit marches?
Anti-Brexit? I had no idea that Corbyn is a Portuguese national pretending to be a Brit! 8)
Quoting Hamilton:
Chip and Al just show - as many of us have experienced - how malignant today's Portuguese are.
Hamilton judging by the negative marks you get everyday there aren't many of you.
I think you need to win some kind of award for the most inventive anti Portugal tripe being posted on ADN. :P
-3 #6 Hamilton 2019-09-05 16:41
Chip and Al just show - as many of us have experienced - how malignant today's Portuguese are. So just how many thousands of deeply embedded black ops Portuguese are busy de-stablising the UK organising or participating in anti-Brexit marches? Portuguese TV can find Portuguese effortlessly on London marches, admitting that they are Portuguese .. this is not fake news. How many then pretend to be fellow British when alongside other marchers? Misinformation on an epic scale but exactly why there is so little protest in Portugal by the Portuguese about social injustice and inequalities. Too scared of just who they might be marching alongside and snouting them out for future discipline.
+3 #5 Chip 2019-09-05 12:41
More EU money wasted. There is ample evidence of fake news (lies) on the BBC website which can be examined for free.
+1 #4 AL 2019-09-05 09:57
Quoting Hamilton:
Any mention of 1890 issues gets you banned on the expat advice / comment sites...
Pity you haven't been banned from this site! The only ones mentioning 1890, pink map and whatever else goes in your mind only comes from your comments. Nobody else cares Portuguese, English, or any other European nationality, including the newly created identity of so called civilized northern Europeans.
-4 #3 Hamilton 2019-09-04 15:51
What the Portuguese can read or see in their news is still heavily censored which, given their history, spills over into what us foreigners can see and read. Any mention of 1890 issues gets you banned on the expat advice / comment sites and any comment in the Portuguese press is not published as it must be from a foreigner. No native would be discussing such a secret subject in public !
So this researcher will only ever be comparing the 'officially issued' Portuguese news item with any 'unofficial alterations'. As in Macao China - not exactly a healthy, transparent, exchange of free thinking ideas and values. When the EU grant was issued did any one, other than the applicant, have any comprehension just how limited her study area would be?
+2 #2 AL 2019-09-04 09:05
Joana Gonçalves de Sá can investigating mainstream news outlets.
-3 #1 Hamilton 2019-09-04 09:03
On any scale of misinformation - Where does Portugal's obsession with still hiding the importance today to the Portuguese of the 1890 English / British Ultimatum and its consequences - over 130 years ago? Where on the scale? When something is still energising an event that is unknown in English / UK history but still a very hot topic amongst research scholars both in Portugal and in its previous colonies; almost entirely obviously in Portuguese. One recent Angolan scholar even suggesting that colonial unrest since 1890 in her country stemmed from this event and the realisation that the Portuguese were not mythically, invincible, super warriors.

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