Young Swedish sailor rescued from training ship off the coast of Portimão

swedish sailorAn 18-year-old girl who was aboard a Swedish training ship some 52 kilometers south of Portimão needing urgent medical attention because of "severe abdominal pain" was rescued by the National Maritime Authority’s lifeguards on Saturday.

The rescue took place between 3:10 pm and 6:00 pm, on the 12th, under the coordination of the Lisbon Maritime Search and Rescue Coordination Center (MRCC Lisboa), which gave orders to the Swedish training ship to approach Portimão. 

The transfer of the young woman to the lifeboat vessel Patrão Pedro Jorge Casimiro Cardoso, accompanied by a teacher, took place 37 kilometers south of Portimão.

At 6:00 pm, the young woman and the teacher were disembarked at the Portimão marina, where the Portimão Volunteer Firefighters were waiting to transport them to the nearest hospital.