
Olhão announces refurbishment of the riverside gardens (Video)

olhao riversideThe refurbishment work of the gardens of the Olhão riverside area, next to the Municipal Markets, has been announced, and will cost the Council 1.75 million euros, a value above what was originally planned, but still below the maximum ceiling laid out in most recent public tender.

After a first tender procedure was deserted, the Olhanense municipality was forced to increase to 2.4 million euros the base value of the renovation of the Patrão Joaquim Lopes and Pescador Olhanense gardens, the Nascente and the Poente dos Mercados, respectively. The new tender unsurprisingly turned out to be much more attractive, according to Antônio Miguel Pina, mayor of Olhão.

"There were three competitors in the second contest we launched and the winner has already been chosen, the company that made the lowest bid of around 1.75 million euros," said mayor Pina.

The work will move forward “as soon as we get the Court's approval”, which the mayor expects to be “soon”, although he did not risk giving a concrete deadline, in typical Algarvean Council official fashion. “This week we will sign the contract with the winning construction company, and then send everything to the Court of Auditors”, summarized Faro Council.

A video detailing the revamp of the area can be found here (credit to Sul Informação):

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