LIVRE may decide to free itself from stuttering MP

livre politicianNotorious for her pronounced stutter, Joacine Katar Moreira MP for LIVRE (the ‘FREE’ party) may look back at her time in parliament as a career that never got off the ground.

After weeks of controversy following the decision of her male advisor to wear a skirt into parliament, LIVRE’s governing body is to hear a motion that it no longer has political confidence in its one and only elected representative.

The party is due to meet next week and vote on a number of motions proposed by members.

One seeks to save the party from the bizarre media coverage generated by Ms Moreira.

Said a recent statement passed to the press, if Ms Moreira doesn’t voluntarily agree to renounce her functions, LIVRE will have no alternative but to withdraw its political confidence in her.

Since last October’s elections – in which a number of minority parties joined the parliamentary stable – snippets of Ms Moreira’s laboured interventions have peppered both mainstream and social media.

But it was not because of these that LIVRE and Ms Moreira have fallen foul of each other, but more her failure to respect the party line.

The first cracks came a month after the elections when Ms Moreira abstained in a vote of condemnation presented by PCP communists to new Israeli aggression in Gaza, and the apparent u-turn by President Trump on Israeli settlements.

Credit to Natasha Donn of the Portugal Resident