Faro increases investment in road, streets and water networks

faro investmentFaro Council has pledged investments totalling over 400 thousand euros to furthering several other ongoing road network improvement works in the parish of Montenegro. These include the “repaving of streets in Quinta do Eucalipto” and the “improvement of Rua da Igreja in Montenegro”.

The first project aims to return the ideal conditions for driving in the area of ​​Quinta do Eucalipto, with interventions in Almada Negreiros Street, Florbela Espanca Street, Teixeira Gomes Street, David Ferreira Square, Fernando Pessoa Street and Alberto Silva Street. The project, awarded on October 28th to Sociedade Convirsul - Construções e Obras Pública, SA for a total value of 217,300 euros, is planned to be carried out within 120 days.

In parallel to this endeavor, the services of the municipal company FAGAR are carrying out work to replace the one of the oldest water supply networks (over 40 years old) in Faro. The objective of this contract, worth 144,614 euros, is to reduce water losses, minimize disruptions, and ensure that the water supply is stabilized and releases water with normalized pressure.

Also underway is the contract for the improvement of Rua da Igreja, in Montenegro, which has the objective of remodelling the street’s paving and making it more level, and also includes the improvement of storm water infrastructures, as well as in the lighting network and telephone infrastructure.

The intervention, awarded to Sociedade JEVOP-Construções SA for a total value of 73022 euros on 28 October, will also help to improve car and pedestrian traffic conditions in the parish, increasing the safety and comfort levels for vehicles and pedestrians, according to the Faroese municipality.

In the course of its work, the local authority asks all residents and passers-by to be aware of any disruptions that may arise in the course of the interventions.