
Government to prohibit all but essential road travel on Easter weekend, strengthening police presence on Algarve roads

5easter weekendThe Minister of Internal Administration announced, this Friday, "that so-called weekend trips will not be tolerated" throughout the Easter period. "In this sense, the Minister of Internal Administration calls on all Portuguese to remain at home, limiting travel to what is strictly necessary", reads the MAI statement.

In the document the MAI says that, under the current State of Emergency, "only citizens who do so under the listed exceptions” will be allowed to travel. And it goes further. "Since they call into question the health of themselves and the health of all Portuguese”, all traditionally undertaken Easter weekend trips will not be tolerated, highlighted the statement.

Moreover, the statement reads that "the Minister of Internal Administration has given guidelines to the Security Forces to intensify road enforcement during the weekend and throughout the Easter period, especially in the Algarve."

The document, as result of the third meeting of the State of Emergency Monitoring Structure, which took place this Friday afternoon, reminds citizens of what is permitted under the so-called “General Duty to Collect”, as is the case with travel for acquisition of food, medical services, or work.

Travel for emergency shelter for victims of domestic violence or trafficking, and assistance for vulnerable or disabled people, children, parents, the elderly or dependents are also allowed. These guidelines also do not prevent travel for delivery of essential goods to the disabled or those deprived of freedom of movement, or travel for social volunteering actions, among others.

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