More Brits than ever in work

mcdonaldslogoThe UK now has 30.2 million people in work which is the highest number since records were started in 1971.

During the last year 459,000 people found employment.

The proportion of the working age population (those aged 16 to 64) with work reached 72.3%, up from 71.5% last year.

The private sector accounts for 24.7 million jobs, of which 473,000 were created in the last year.

Public sector employment stands at 5.5 million.

Unemployment has dropped to 2.33 million, with the official rate at 7.2%.

The Office for National Statistics also reported that 1.4 million people are working part-time because no full-time jobs could be found. This is 31,000 more than a year ago.

The figures were welcomed as a sign that employers are confident enough to hire, an important factor in further boosting the economy.

The data also revealed that average weekly earnings rose to £479 including bonuses and £450 excluding bonuses before tax and other deductions in the quarter to November.