Use of masks on the street becomes mandatory for 70 days

USE OF MASKS ON THE STREET BECOMES MANDATORY FOR 70 DAYSEarlier today, Friday 23rd October, Parliament approved a PSD bill that imposes the mandatory use of masks in public spaces for at least three months, a measure that can be renewed and which carries fines of between 100 and 500 euros for non-compliers.

The bill, voted in general, specialty and global final vote, determines that the use of a mask is mandatory (and cannot be replaced by a visor) for people over ten years of age for access, circulation or permanence in public spaces and roads, whenever the physical distance recommended by health authorities proves impractical ". 

Exempted from the mandatory requirement approved today, there are "people who are part of the same household, when they are not in the proximity of third parties" or by presenting a "medical certificate of disability or medical declaration attesting that the clinical condition or cognitive impairment does not allow the use of masks." It is also not mandatory to wear a mask when "it is incompatible with the nature of the activities that people are carrying out".