Nurses in mourning as Célia Paulo found dead

NURSES IN MOURNING AS CÉLIA PAULO FOUND DEADThe body of Lisbon nurse Célia Paulo, 49, who had been missing for several days, was found near her home on Friday. The authorities are now investigating the causes of death and do not rule out any possibility.

The alert was given by the family this Monday through social networks, when the nurse disappeared after leaving home at 3:30 pm to go to work, as usual. 

A friend of Célia, Graça Lopes, said that the nurse took double shifts at Hospital de Santa Maria and SAMS, in Lisbon, and worked in the gynaecology department. She was divorced and had three teenage children. "She was tired, exhausted, close to a 'burn out'. At Santa Maria she had a lot of pressure, even though she didn't work directly with the Covid-19 area."

Every day Célia was missing, Graça Lopes held a morning briefing with the PSP, in order to pass on information that could be useful for the investigation. "They have been relentless in their search."

The Attorney General's Office confirms that there is an inquiry into the case.

On discovering the news of Célias death, her colleague posted the following on social media: 

This time the angel is not anonymous. This time her name is Célia Paulo and she was my professional colleague. She was battling a terrible depression that worsened with the pandemic. She had been trying to stay afloat for months, for her, for her teenage children, and for everyone in charge (in and out of the hospital).

Mental health must stop being taboo. We have to show that it kills. We have to be aware that it is as important as physical health. Most importantly.

We have to lose the fear of talking about depression.

We have to know how to seek help.

We have to be aware that it does not make us weaker by having someone to guide us. We are no longer weak because we need that anti-anxietymedicine at night. We are no longer weak to admit that we have a problem.

Sometimes therapy is coffee with a friend. Sometimes it's a tight hug, without saying anything. Sometimes it is a message of strength and a virtual affection.

Sometimes that is not enough. And when it doesn't arrive, please don't be afraid to seek help.

Let's demystify mental health. Let's take a step forward together.
Today I'm sad. And I can't write more about it.

Rest in peace, dear Célia. Today you hang your uniform. Today you wear your wings. Today, finally, rest.

Original article available in Portuguese at