
Castro Marim Supports The Construction Of Multi Million Euro Alzheimer's Home

Photo by Jornal do Algarve - Castro Marim Supports The Construction Of Multi Million Euro Alzheimer's HomeYesterday, the Castro Marim City Council signed a contract to support Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Castro Marim, providing one million Euros for the construction of the Residential Structure for the Elderly and a Day Care centre for people with Alzheimer's and other forms of dementia.

"The work, which should start shortly, has been one of the great aims of José Cabrita, who has been working for years in pursuing this project", explains the Castro municipality in a statement.

“The Alzheimer's Home is a priority project for this Municipality. Due to its size and scope, this facility will certainly be a reference unit for the entire south of the country”, said the Mayor of Castro Marim, Francisco Amaral, stressing that“ it is an infrastructure of the future, as longevity increases and 50% of people over 90 suffer from dementia”. The mayor also underlined the strong contribution to the local economy, since the construction of this Alzheimer's Home will allow the creation of dozens of jobs.

The home will capable of accommodating 70 patients with Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia, in an inpatient regime, plus a capacity for an additional 20  outpatients in a Day Center regime. It will be structured in 3 action units: Residential Inpatient Unit and Day Unit, a unit for the Promotion of Personal Autonomy and Intervention with Families, and a Unit for Training.

“It is the largest municipal project ever in the municipality, made possible thanks to the participation and solidarity of Castro Marim residents, through their taxes, namely from IMI ”, declared the vice-president of the Municipality of Castro Marim, Filomena Sintra, adding that " the construction of the Alzheimer's Home is included in the municipal strategy of urban regeneration, since it provides for the demolition of an old factory and adds a new dynamic to this noble space in the historic village”.

With a budget of almost 5 million Euros, the project is included in the Action Plan of ARU and PARU and is an investment financed by the PO CRESC Algarve 2020 program, supported by Portugal and the European Union, co-financed by the ERDF at 1,134,702 euros, added to the million euros of municipal support. The remaining amount is provided by Santa Casa da Misericórdia, through equity anda bank loan.

Original article available in Portuguese at http://postal.pt/


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