
Covid-19: 45,000 in the Algarve have received the vaccination

DR PHOTO - COVID-19: 45,000 IN THE ALGARVE HAVE RECEIVED THE VACCINATIONAccording to the most recent report on the vaccination process in mainland Portugal, a total of 341,034 people have a complete vaccination - 3% of the population - and a further 827,902 have already been vaccinated with the first dose.

According to the report  released by the Directorate-General for Health (DGS) Portugal received 1,468,929 vaccines, and 1,264,093 doses were distributed to the country's vaccination posts.

By age group, 53% of the elderly aged 80 and over have already received the first dose and 16% already have the complete vaccination.

The second group with the highest percentage of vaccination is that of people between 50 and 64 years old, in which 10% have already taken the first dose and 4% have already completed the vaccination.

Of the Portuguese eligible for vaccination in the group between 25 and 49 years old, 6% have already received the first dose and 4% have already taken both doses of the vaccine.

By regions, Lisbon and Vale do Tejo leads in the number of vaccines administered, followed by the North, followed by the central region. Then comes Alentejo, where 85,755 people have already been vaccinated, and the Algarve, with a total of 45,040 inoculations.

On Monday, the vaccination plan's task force coordinator acknowledged that this process will be delayed by two weeks due to the temporary suspension, as a precaution, of the administration of the AstraZeneca vaccine.

In addition to AstraZeneca, Portugal is currently administering two other vaccines from the pharmaceutical companies Moderna and Pfizer, and should receive, next month, the first doses of the single-shot vaccine from Janssen, from the Johnson & Johnson group.

Already today, the Minister of Health said that Portugal expects to receive about four million vaccines against Covid-19 from Pfizer / BioNTech in the second quarter, with Brussels agreeing to anticipate the supply of 10 million doses.

In Portugal, 16,707 people have died from 814,897 confirmed cases of infection, according to the most recent bulletin from the Directorate-General for Health.

Original article available in Portuguese at http://postal.pt/


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