On-site classes suspended in Albufeira, Faro, Loulé, Olhão and São Brás de Alportel

ON-SITE CLASSES SUSPENDED IN ALBUFEIRA, FARO, LOULÉ, OLHÃO AND SÃO BRÁS DE ALPORTELThe health delegate, Ana Cristina Guerreiro, has ordered the suspension of classroom classes for the 1st and 2nd Cycles of all school groups, public and private, in the municipalities of Albufeira, Faro, Loulé, Olhão and São Brás of Alportel.

According to a statement from the Regional Health Authority of the Algarve, this measure has "a predictable period of 12 days", beginning Monday 28th June..

The measure is justified "on the basis of the precautionary principle, following the existence of 816 active confirmed cases of Covid-19, with an Incidence Rate at 14 days (number of cases per 100,000 inhabitants) of 583 for Albufeira, 329 for Faro , 448 to Loulé, 403 to Olhão and 326 to São Brás de Alportel".

Due to the "gravity of the situation, in order to contain transmission chains", this determination, which coincides with the end of the school year, "will be permanently monitored and reviewed on July 9th, with an analysis of the epidemiological situation of the municipalities on that date" .

The statement stresses that "the epidemiological investigation is ongoing and the surveillance of contacts will be guaranteed by health authorities / health delegates and public health services, who will identify and maintain in prophylactic isolation and surveillance the direct contacts of confirmed cases, with the permanent support of the police forces".

The Algarve Regional Health Authority also advises the schools' educational community that, "if signs or symptoms appear, the SNS24 Line should be contacted (808 24 24 24)".

Original article available in Portuguese at http://postal.pt/