
“Travel without haste” campaign kicks off on Tuesday on the busiest roads

“TRAVEL WITHOUT HASTE” CAMPAIGN KICKS OFF ON TUESDAY ON THE BUSIEST ROADSThe National Road Safety Authority (ANSR), the Public Safety Police (PSP) and the Republican National Guard (GNR) will launch the Road Safety Campaign “Travel without haste” on busy roads tomorrow, Tuesday 10th August.

In a statement sent to Lusa, the PSP says that " the objective of the campaign is alerting drivers to the risks of speeding, given that this is one of the main causes of accidents on the roads, and is responsible for more than 50% of the registered infractions”.

This campaign, included in the 2021 National Inspection Plan, will run from 10th to 16th August.

"In order to contribute to reducing the risk of accidents and the adoption of safer behaviour by drivers", the campaign will integrate awareness actions by ANSR and inspection operations by PSP and GNR "with special focus on roads and accesses with a high traffic flow,” where accidents or infractions regularly occur, the note clarifies.

PSP claims that "speed is the main cause of a third of all fatal accidents".

“When someone is run over, the probability of there being fatal victims increases depending on the speed at which the vehicles are travelling. If a vehicle travels at 30 kilometers per hour (km/h) the probability of death from being run over is 10%. Increasing the speed to 50km/h, the probability becomes 80%”, he stresses.

Safety authorities reinforce the message that “a road accident does not have to be a fatality and its most serious consequences can be avoided by adopting safe behavior on the road”, making drivers aware of travelling without haste.

Original article available in Portuguese at http://postal.pt/


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