
Gouveia e Melo awarded for his coordination of Covid-19 task force

GOUVEIA E MELO AWARDED FOR HIS COORDINATION OF COVID-19 TASK FORCEVice Admiral Gouveia e Melo has been awarded the National Bioethics Award, the "choice was unanimous" and is a reflection of the excellent coordination of the Covid-19 vaccination task force, which the awarding jury considered to be "an example".

“The prize, awarded by the National Bioethics Association, with the support of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto (FMUP), distinguishes the vice-admiral for the personal integrity with which he performed his duties, as well as for the demonstrated organisational and planning qualities".

The National Bioethics Award is also intended to be a recognition "of the example it has given to Portuguese society, an example of public service and dedication to common causes'”, says a statement from the National Bioethics Association. “Known for the decisive role he played in a critical phase of the pandemic, Vice Admiral Henrique Gouveia e Melo was, for the jury of this Award, a natural and unanimous choice".

The award ceremony is scheduled on November 3rd, at the FMUP premises in Porto.

 The National Bioethics Award has been awarded since 2007 and aims to distinguish “persons of high integrity and personal integrity, national or foreign, who have distinguished themselves in the academic, scientific world or in society in general.”


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