
16-year-old young man arrested for aggravated gun robbery in Faro

16-year-old young man arrested for aggravated gun robbery in Faro.The Judiciary Police (PJ) in Faro arrested a 16-year-old young man yesterday, suspected of aggravated robbery using a knife and gun.

In a statement, the PJ said that the suspect was working in a gang with other young people aged between 14 and 15, who "drove around on scooters in the Faro area, threatening other young people who were walking on public roads with a firearm and knives, and stealing their victims belongings."

“The robberies occurred between the months of September and October of this year, causing major concern for the residents of the Faro area, with reports spreading across social networks”, reads the note.

According to the police, "the set of steps taken immediately allowed the collection of relevant evidence that supported the issuing of arrest warrants by the Public Ministry."

At the same time, a warrant was carried out to search the suspect's residence, “where the proceeds of the crime were found, later identified by the victims”, the note continues.

The suspect will now be subject to a first interrogation, wih a view to the complete identification of the remaining suspects.

Given the age of the suspects, the facts will then be reported to the Family and Minors Court.

Original article available in Portuguese at http://postal.pt/


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